Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Super Mario, joined The Roots to play the Super Mario Bros. Theme on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." Besides creating Mario, Miyamoto developed many other popular video games, including The Legend of Zelda and Donkey Kong.
Miyamoto showed off his guitar skills by playing the iconic theme song with The Roots. Fallon also made an appearance and hit the yellow coin box.
According to its website, Nintendo will release Super Mario Run for iOS devices on Thursday. It is the first time Mario and company will appear on iOS devices. Nintendo will also release its new gaming console, the Nintendo Switch, in March 2017.
Watch the video on YouTube here.
Miyamoto showed off his guitar skills by playing the iconic theme song with The Roots. Fallon also made an appearance and hit the yellow coin box.
According to its website, Nintendo will release Super Mario Run for iOS devices on Thursday. It is the first time Mario and company will appear on iOS devices. Nintendo will also release its new gaming console, the Nintendo Switch, in March 2017.
Watch the video on YouTube here.