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Continue Great Bend legacy of investing in education
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To the Editor:

As a proud graduate of Great Bend High School’s Class of 1979, I’ve spent some time this summer working alongside my fellow classmates to prepare for our 40th class reunion coming up this Labor Day weekend. As we plan details of our reunion, the conversation often shifts to the retelling stories and reminiscing about our time inside the halls of GBHS – those were great times.

My wife is a 1980 graduate of GBHS and I feel fortunate that I have three daughters who are also Great Bend alumnae. And starting this fall, I’ll also have a grandson entering kindergarten as a Jefferson Jet. I know that our community, and our schools, are a big reason why I get to watch my grandsons grow up in Great Bend. Young families are looking for communities that provide a safe and positive environment to raise their families. 

As a community, we’ve created a legacy of investing in education. I am grateful for the community leaders that built such a strong foundation for our schools in the 1960s and to my parents’ generation for choosing to invest in our schools. In the late 1990s, with daughters in middle-school, it was my turn to ask Great Bend to support our schools with a bond for school improvements. And now, in 2019, it’s my daughter and her peers, asking our community to rally behind their kids, who will walk the halls of our school buildings for the next 20 years. 

As a community, we can move Great Bend forward. You don’t have to look far to see the headlines and be reminded of how much education is changing for today’s students. For an average of $12 a month, providing for the safety of our students and meeting the needs of our district is an investment worth making. 

I can only hope that one day my grandsons will also look back on their time in Great Bend schools with fond memories. I hope they will feel the same sense of safety, security and support that this community gave to me as a graduate of its public schools. We have an important decision in front of us. Please take the time to learn more, ask questions, and I’m sure once you have the facts, you’ll join me in voting yes as you mail in your ballot this week. 

Brad Brack

GBHS Class of 1979

Great Bend