Thursday, Sept. 5 is the last day of the USD 428 school improvement bond election and that means time is running out. Ballots are due back at the Barton County Clerk’s office by noon that day.
Time is also running out for those who wish to express an opinion about the issues on this page in the Great Bend Tribune. The latest we will accept Public Forum letters concerning this election for the opinion page is noon Monday, Sept. 2, and Tuesday is the last day the letters will be published.
The usual rules for submitting a letter to the editor apply. Public Forums should be no more than 600 words in length and must include a name which will be printed. Although only name (affiliation if appropriate) and home town are printed, all letters must contain at least a daytime phone number and a current address including city of residence. We won’t publish your telephone number but we do need to be able to contact you for purposes of verification and/or clarification.
Letters must be from a specifically named individual, not a fictional name or alias. Initials are not acceptable unless that is how the community knows and addresses the submitter. The individual can be part of a group but there must always be an individual’s name(s) assigned to a letter. Anonymous letters will not run.
Letters must be in good taste and must be the author’s original work. Letters must (in our opinion) not be legally actionable and we reserve the right to edit letters for clarity and content.
Submissions can be made via e-mail to dhogg@gbtribune.comor dropped off in person at 2012 Forest Ave. We accept letters through the mail, but Monday is Labor Day so that option won’t be available at this late date.
A form is available on our website for submissions at
If you have concerns about whether or not we received your letter, contact us. Sometimes delivery systems fail. The Tribune’s telephone number is 620-792-1211 and Managing Editor Dale Hogg is the person to contact.
We recognize the importance of this forum as a way to reach readers and voters. We want to print as many letters as we can.
We also recognize the importance of this election and hope everyone who received a ballot will consider the issues and vote.