Dear Editor,
I am wishing to express my appreciation and support for First District Congressman, Tim Huelskamp, for his strong stand on principles. When campaigning for Congress, Tim promised to not go to Washington and conduct business as usual. Tim has kept this promise.
And for keeping this promise to his constituents he has been branded as being an obstructionist. Excuse me, but it seems that what some are calling obstructionist or not getting along, is really taking a stand for principle. Honestly, if our founding fathers had been folks who just went along to get along we would still be flying the Union Jack.
We are living in some hard times with large problems, and we need men who are not afraid to take a stand. Congressman Huelskamp is such a man and is standing in the gap for the average tax paying citizen.
Robin Jackson, Ph.D.
Appreciaton for Tim Huelskamp