Dear Editor,
President Reagan famously reduced federal income taxes with the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. But when the tax cuts proved to be too large, he fixed it. He increased income taxes with acts such as the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) and the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (DEFRA). His mantra was smaller government, but he was not politically enslaved to the desire for ever-decreasing income taxes. And for 30 years a lot of us liked to call ourselves Reagan Republicans.
In 2012, we in Kansas enacted laws to reduce state income taxes. Now in 2015, the tax cuts have proven to be too large. But we are choosing to not fix it. We are enslaved to ever-decreasing income taxes, no matter what. Ever-decreasing income taxes and the relative advantage it provides to those of us with the most money is our political master. We pretty much serve it above all else. Many of us used to call ourselves Reagan Republicans, but now we are Brownback Republicans. It feels different, doesnt it?
John Sturn
Brownback Republicans