Dear Editor,
I have to ask a simple question, where should the city priorities be?
You tell me.
We couldn’t spend the extra $20,000 to put in the traffic light at Broadway and Harrison, even though they tried to make it seem like the cost would have been higher, but we can spend over $20,000 on a Christmas tree for the courthouse square.
I was stunned when I saw this on the last warrant register listing the tree down payment of 50 percent at $10,411. So the total will be $ 20,822.
For a tree?
I voted against it.
We put in two blocks of new street to the new ball field with curb and gutter from Harrison Street and we are going to put another two blocks-plus of street with curb and gutter from the ball field to Railroad Avenue, but we can’t put in one block of street from Walmart, on Grant Street, to the Great Bend Regional Hospital on Sixth Street.
I guess if you, or your loved one, is having a heart attack we can get you to the ball field.
I don’t have anything against having access to the ball field, but I think getting to the hospital should be number one on the list.
I think public safety should be the first priority.
We put in new concrete on 10th Street on the east edge of town three years ago, and now we have to repair it at a cost of $27,373 with the work being done by the same contractor who did the original work.
Concrete is supposed to last longer and do a better job, but we apparently have an accountability and competence problem.
Both sides can play the blame game but the bottom line is that the work should have been done right the first time. I find this unbelievable and inexcusable.
We know that we have a toxic algae problem at Vets Lake, but we allow Cedar Springs Trout Farm to stock the lake with fish at a cost of $1,575 because we did not know that they were going to stock it?
Why does that not surprise me?
My door is always open — 620-786-1351.
Councilman Randy Myers,
Great Bend
City needs better priorities