Dear Editor,
I recently received a huge, slick flyer in the mail from ESAFUND, a billionaire-backed Super PAC based in Florida, opposing Kansas’s own native son, Congressman Tim Huelskamp in his re-election bid. ESAFUND claims that Congressman Huelskamp is “two faced on Obamacare because he and his family are enrolled in Obamacare at taxpayers expense) instead of buying private insurance. According to, members of Congress have been and are “required” by law to enroll in Obamacare! It greatly concerns me that this misinformation flyer was sent to many Kansas voters who may have taken it at face value. Ladies and gentlemen, this group is trying to pull the wool over our eyes!
Freedom Works, a conservative, advocacy group that helped foster the Tea Party movement, gives Congressman Huelskamp a 97% Lifetime Score in his voting efforts to oppose runaway, government spending. Please vote for Congressman Huelskamp on Aug. 2nd and show the Super-PACs that his Congressional seat cannot be bought with millions of out-of-state Super-PAC dollars.
Carolyn Simms
Congressional seat can not be bought