Dear Editor:
Two weeks ago I was pleased that my twin brother joined the Kansas Senate District 35 as a Republican candidate. I am impressed with his integrity, dedication and common sense on many issues.
Growing up, both Donald and I were blessed to have a father who taught us about gun safety and responsibility. In 1980, we both took the Kansas Hunters Safety Course and were thrilled when we completed the class and got our Hunters Safety Cards. Since then Dad, Donald, and I have spent countless hours covering hundreds of acres of milo, numerous waterways, shelterbelts, and old farmsteads hunting for quail and pheasant. Much to our humor, Donald knocked down many more birds than I.
I know my brother is committed to safe responsible gun ownership. As State Senator, Donald will fight to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights, from the assault it faces from the anti-gun crowd in Washington and Kansas. So if you are a father/son hunting birds or deer near Council Grove, or lady in Little River looking to buy a Smith & Wesson to protect her children and home from predators, you can rest assured Donald will relentlessly advocate for your gun rights in Topeka.
Please vote on Aug. 5 for Donald Hobson to represent us for Kansas Senate District 35.
David Hobson