Dear Editor,
I would like to voice my support for Randy Myers for the 4th ward city council. Randy is a write-in candidate. I have attended city council meetings since 2006 and have seen how Randy voices his opinion on the spending of citizens tax dollars. Randy’s experience on the city council will ensure that the citizens in the 4th ward will not be put on the back burner.
Randy is a fighter and he will continue to fight for the people of the 4th ward plus he will stand-up for all the citizens of Great Bend. Randy does ask a lot of the questions during council that most of us “common folks” would like to ask if we had a more “open” city council meeting for the tax paying citizens of this community.
Please be sure to write-in Randy Myers for the 4th ward city council. Write his name on a piece of paper so you will spell it correctly or your ballot will not count. If you are unsure how to do a write-in vote, just ask the voting helpers to help you. They will be glad to help!
Becky Wornkey
Great Bend
Myers will fight for constituents