Dear Editor,
As A 1964 graduate of GBHS I was dismayed to hear about this “sexual battery?” committed and evidently condoned by your superintendent and school board. And so glad some of the participants were allowed to continue to participate in the “swim meet.” I heard about this in Arizona so this is no longer a Great Bend issue. The absolute BS ball dodging and inaction by the superintendent is despicable. In Arizona and most other states, the participants would be charged and labeled as sex offenders for the rest of their lives and Reed would be applying for unemployment. I hope the victim’s parents have the best lawyer they can get, just too bad the citizens of Great Bend will be paying dearly for the incompetence of your elected officials. Sexual assault and battery is a very serious problem throughout this country - Great Bend included. Boys will be boys just does not cut it anymore. Congratulations to the students who protested this illegal behavior. You have it right and make me feel proud! You took a stand and showed the public just who the idiots are in charge of their children’s education. The wrong folks ended up in hand cuffs. And the gall of telling students they were not allowed on district property. In my world that would be public property owned by the taxpayers not some glorified administrator. Good luck Great Bend in getting back your reputation. On the other hand Geraldo might just make Great Bend popular - for the wrong reason.
Fred C. Boger
Retired Lt Colonel, USAF
Tempe, Ariz.
No longer a Great Bend issue