Dear Editor,
Thanks very much for your coverage of H&C Oil and the Army Corps of Engineer’s request to put an oil well inside Cheyenne Bottoms. I’m drafting my comment to the Corps now, and have posted the info to the KSBIRD discussion list. There is no possible way this is a good idea, except maybe to make some money for H&C. We have cherished the Bottoms (flooded or parched!) too long to let someone put a chugging, stinking well in a refuge of international importance. My father-in-law fought the Corps in the early 60s, to keep them from dredging out the Indiana Dunes lakeshore for the steel mills, and succeeded - it is now a nationally-designated lakeshore and state park, and a priceless ecological zone. Let’s hope we can keep them from putting their camel’s nose under the tent with an oil well at the Bottoms. Thanks!
Julie Stielstra and Forest Ormes
Oil well not a good idea