Dear Editor,
Our sincere thanks go out to everybody in the community who participated in the annual Lenten congregational fundraiser for the Barton County Emergency Aid Association: The Widow’s Mite. Some of the contributions from this year’s fundraiser are still coming in, but so far you have contributed over $2,500 to the cause! As you know, Emergency Aid works to help residents of the Barton County communities who are experiencing financial crises. Because of this fundraiser, hosted by the Barton County Association of Churches, and the soup supper held every fall, we are able to stretch your congregation’s regular contributions that much further to help those in need. Your united effort as people of faith, serving Jesus Christ in our midst through our less-fortunate sisters and brothers, truly stands as a glimpse of God’s eternal kingdom here on earth. In the words of St. Paul (Philemon 1:7), we “have had great joy and encouragement from your love, for the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.” TLbwy!
In Peace,
Pastor Adam D. Wutka, BCEAA Board President
Thank you to the community