Dear Editor
To the communities of Barton and Pawnee County:
The Apostle Paul declares in His letter to the Ephesians that the church of Jesús Christ is to be built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. (Ef. 2:20)
Also, in his book to the Romans chapter 15 verse 4 he instructs us, “for whatever things were written before we’re written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope”. The book of Habakkuk is one of those “prophetic foundations”, that we must consider In today’s world.
God gave much to His chosen people the Children of Israel; to “whom much is given much is required”. His chosen people of old turned from him, became selfish and walked in their own ways.
God sent many messengers to them, pleading for them to return to Him. Habakkuk was one such messenger. At his time the nation of Judah was in it’s final “death throes”. God was raising up the Chaldeans (The people of the modern day Moslem world of Iraq and Iran) to invade the land of Judah and take them away captive to Babylon. No one could believe it but it happened. History has a way of repeating itself.
The United States of America has been given much. Therefore much is required. However, after many warnings from many voices the nation continues on without national repentance or revival.
Never the less, God continues to plead with His people, for there are many in this land that are His. There are many in Barton and Pawnee county that are His.
A great number of them were gathered at the Great Bend, Assembly of God church, Tuesday February 11th, to mourn the tragic deaths of Glenn and Elaine Mull, Amy and Samantha Harter. These lives were taken from us. However, because of this tragedy a strong message was proclaimed to those gathered for the memorial service, “I AM GOD RETURN TO ME WITH ALL YOUR HEARTS”.
A promise from the scripture was given to Samantha Harter just days before she returned to her maker, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10.
It is important to make God our God, and to hold closely an eternal perspective. Samantha, Amy, Glenn and Elaine are now with Him through faith in the shed blood of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Heaven is not a birthright, heaven is not attained by our works; heaven is a gift from God through repentance and acceptance of His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
By Duane Kershner
Oaxaca, Mexico
To the communities of Barton and Pawnee County