Dear Editor,
I have known Ken Roberts for many years, having served with him on a number of civic and private enterprise boards. Ken has always been interested in making Great Bend grow responsibly. He looks out for the best for its citizens.
Ken is a very committed individual. He is a business advocate, encouraging entrepreneurs to open new businesses in our community as well as helping develop ways to draw individuals to our town, helping established businesses grow.
Ken has a positive attitude, supports our youth, has experience working with state and federal agencies for the betterment of our town, and most of all he cares.
Ken studies items before the council very carefully, weighing the pros and cons for the good of Great Bend. Balancing the efficiency of our local government with its needs is a difficult job, one in which Ken is highly skilled and experienced.
Vote Ken Roberts, Great Bend City Council Third Ward, on April 3!
Sheryl Cheely,
Great Bend
Vote for Ken Roberts