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Vote for the real and principled conservative, Tim Huelskamp
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Dear Editor,
What has Tim Huelskamp done for you lately?
He signed onto a letter with dozens of other members of Congress demanding answers from Director Comey about his shocking recommendation not to indict Hillary Clinton.
He co-sponsored the Fairness for Agricultural Machinery & Equipment Act which seeks to correct the Internal Revenue Code that unfairly burdens farmers and manufacturers of farm equipment.
He supported the Salina Airport and Kansas businesses with the TSA Fairness Act.
He held hearings to expose how the IRS hurts small businesses, as Small Business Committee Chairman.
He supported recent legislation that funds critical national security needs, military operations at Fort Riley and across the world, and provides for the care of the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families.
He pressured the Dept. of Transportation to continue Great Bend air service. Joining Senators Roberts and Moran in a letter detailing how inconsistent service at the Great Bend airport over the past two years has resulted in Kansans unable to utilize the service fully.
He co-sponsored the Seniors Tax Simplification Act which would create a simplified tax form, like the 1040EZ, for seniors who are receiving the benefits of their Social Security contributions over a lifetime of hard work.
He just landed a spot on the powerful panel in charge of House committee assignments. Already one of the Houses most vocal internal critics, Huelskamp has a newfound level of influence and obviously will be reassigned to serve on the House Ag Committee in January of 2017.
So, when you hear the other candidate boast of his gift for being a peacemaker, remember this. Tim Huelskamp made you a promise to never raise your taxes, to stand up for life and families, to fight the federal government when it oversteps its bounds. Even when it meant going against his own party, Tim Huelskamp stood by each of these promises time and time again. Do you really think a peacemaker is who you want representing you in Washington?
I urge you to go to the polls on Aug. 2, and cast your vote for the real and principled conservative, Tim Huelskamp.
Lynn Mowrey