Dear editor,
Pro-Life and Medicaid/KanCare expansion are inseparably connected... a fact lost on many legislators during their debating spectacles over expanding Medicaid coverage in Kansas.
Accepting federal funding through Medicaid expansion will provide an opportunity that gives us time to build a strong and vibrant health system for all Kansans. Kansans should get their federal tax dollars returned for Medicaid like other states to make it possible.
Many Kansans, having seen rural hospital failures in other communities and knowing their community’s hospital is on the financial brink, fear their hospital will be next. Expanding Medicaid in Kansas, when passed, would provide the funding relief needed to keep their hospitals open. These hospitals are factually a matter of life and death for rural Kansans living miles from alternatives... a pro-life issue from babies to the most aged.
Studies show higher uninsured rates for rural residents than their urban counterparts. Consequently, rural citizens have a greater need for KanCare/Medicaid.
Hospitals anchor entire communities as well. They stabilize the economy and populations of our rural communities. Losing them continues the downward spiral of rural populations. Hospital closures make it harder for towns to attract and retain residents.
Some legislators have an aversion to accepting Medicaid funding on narrow political principles. Preventing Kansans from receiving adequate or even life-saving health care for politics should conflict with the faith beliefs of every lawmaker. No life should be lost to make a political point. That’s truly pro-life.”
Steven Lewis, Chairman
Pawnee County Democratic Committee