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Its not my fault
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U.S. Rep. Tom Graves of Georgia told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he and a partner had “settled” the lawsuit brought by the Bartow County Bank for failing to repay a $2.2 million loan they had taken out in 2007.
Graves has been a staunch advocate for governmental fiscal austerity and voted against raising the federal debt-ceiling.
However, he had balked at repaying the $2.2 million (though he had signed a personal guarantee) because, he said, the bank should have known when it made the loan that Graves would be unable to pay it back.
worth doing is
worth doing well 
Management consultant Graham Gibbons, 42, was on trial in Cardiff, Wales, at press time, charged with making a clandestine video of himself and his then-girlfriend in bed.
Gibbons denied being a pervert, insisting that he made the video to analyze, for “efficiency,” the “time and motion” of his “performance,” as he might do for corporate clients.
Despite his alleged improved lovemaking, the girlfriend broke up with him.
Man’s gotta do
what a man’s
gotta do
West Virginia roadkill-cooking activist David Cain told Bloomberg News that he generally supported Volvo’s new driver-safety technology that warns of objects ahead in the road.
Cain pointed out that it was just a warning, that the driver “could still choose to run over something that’s good for eating.”
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to