Michael Monsour, the former CEO of Monsour Medical Center in Jeannette, Pa., was charged with assaulting his brother, Dr. William Monsour, in their father’s home.
In an argument, Michael allegedly bit William’s nose so hard that he required cosmetic surgery.
Michael’s temper remained untempered.
The next day, according to police, Michael sent William an email threatening to beat him “into blood pudding.”
According to police in Bellingham, Wash., William Lane, 22, had yelled slurs at a lesbian couple in the early morning of Dec. 11 and smashed the car window of one of the women, but she immediately chased him down, tackled him, and held him until help arrived.
Anthony Miranda, 24, was arrested and charged with armed robbery in Chicago after unknowingly choosing as his victim an “ultimate fighting” champion.
The “victim” gave Miranda two black eyes and a heavily lacerated face, and, as Miranda drew his gun, overpowered him in such a way that Miranda wound up shooting himself in the ankle.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to www.newsoftheweird.com.)
Oh, you darned kids