A federal appeals court reinstated the Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuit filed in 2007 by Darrell Miller after he was fired as a bridge maintenance worker by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Miller had been medically diagnosed with a fear of heights, and could not work on many projects, but a lower court dismissed his lawsuit, concluding that working at heights was an unavoidable condition of bridge maintenance.
The appeals court said that a jury “might” find that bridge maintenance could be done in “teams” with one worker always on the ground.
We pay him
because he
threatens us?
Stanley Thornton Jr., 30, and his “nurse” roommate, Sandra Dias, featured on an edition of the TV show “Taboo” are both drawing federal Supplemental Security Income as disabled persons, even though Thornton builds his own “adult baby” furniture — cribs and high chairs large enough to accommodate his 350-pound body — and operates a website where people living as adult babies can communicate.
U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn asked the Social Security Administration to investigate whether Thornton is abusing the system.
And Dias, too, since, if she can “nurse” Thornton, she can “nurse” for a living.
Thornton subsequently told The Washington Times that if his SSI checks were discontinued, he would kill himself.
Only if they pick the right jury