Last June, the Mexican government filed a brief in Arizona challenging the constitutionality of that state’s proposed law that required police to check the immigration status of detainees, which, according to its Foreign Ministry, “violates inalienable human rights.”
However, a USA Today dispatch from Tultitlan, Mexico, noted that Mexico has a similar law (“Article 67” of its immigration code) and that police allegedly harass immigrants from Honduras and other Central American countries.
Said one pro-immigration activist, “There — the U.S. — they’ll deport you.
“In Mexico, they’ll probably let you go, but they’ll beat you up and steal everything you’ve got first.”
Bills to overturn Article 67 have been pending in the Mexican legislature for months.
to who,
The charity “Brain Injury New Zealand,” organizing a community benefit in the town of Rotorua, decided in October to stage — of all things — a “zombie walk,” inviting townspeople to shuffle around in support.
The TV station TVNZ reported numerous complaints alleging BINZ’s insensitivity.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
Talk about having a double standard