In March, 1998, trial began in Lesli Szabo’s $1.7 million lawsuit against a Hamilton, Ontario, Canada hospital for not making her 1993 childbirth pain-free.
Physicians said that painless childbirth cannot be achieved without the anesthesia’s endangering the child.
Szabo admitted to previous run-ins with physicians, explaining, “When I’m in pain, the words that come out of my mouth would curl your hair.”
In the lawsuit, Szabo said she expected to be able to read or knit while the baby was being delivered.
The parties eventually settled the lawsuit.
Bet they didn’t even
give the cat a ticket!
The heavy hand of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service landed on 11-year-old Skylar Capo and her mom, after an agent happened to spot Skylar holding a baby woodpecker in her hands at a Lowes home improvement store in Fredericksburg, Va.
Actually, Skylar had minutes before saved the woodpecker from the primed teeth of a house cat and was providing temporary TLC, intending to release the bird when the trauma had passed.
The agent, apparently, was unimpressed, reciting a provision of the Migratory Bird Act, and two weeks later, another Fish and Wildlife agent knocked on the Capos’ door — accompanied by a Virginia state trooper — and served Mrs. Capo a citation calling for a $535 fine.
Later, Fish and Wildlife officials relented, calling the agent’s action “a mistake.”
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
They know what causes it now