The Sarasota Fla. Police Department fired veteran homicide detective Tom Laughlin, almost a year after he had filed formal papers identifying himself as part of the “sovereign” movement, whose members believe they are beyond the control of any government and can establish their own financial system which usually makes them much richer — on paper, among other assertions.
The U.S. Constitution is cited as their authority, but only the original and not the popular version, which is a sham secretly switched with the original by President Abraham Lincoln.
In a subsequent interview with the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Laughlin, who had a strong record as a detective, acknowledged that maybe he had gotten carried away.
All things
to she
who waits
Jessica Davey, 22, of Salisbury, England, saw that her car had been wrongly immobilized with a boot.
Angry at probably missing work, she locked herself in the car, thus impeding the tow truck.
She remained for 30 hours, until a parking inspector dropped by and removed the boot.
Gold teeth
don’t grow
on trees,
you know
Arkeen Thomas, 19, broke into a home in Port St. Lucie, Fla., but the residents were present, and the male resident immediately punched Thomas in the mouth, sending him fleeing.
Minutes later, a woman identified as Thomas’ mother arrived, picked up her son’s gold teeth that had been knocked out, and left.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Fla. 33679 or go to
Travesty of a mockery of a sham