To the editor:
To all area citizens who do shopping in Great Bend at food supply stores and farm stores:
“Wear your Face Masks!”
I am a person with a compromised immune system by being a cancer survivor of a rare tumor in my head ten years ago and also have high blood pressure. Many people have compromised immune systems or autoimmune diseases; diabetes, high blood pressure, MS, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Scleroderma, cancers, lupus, leukemia, etc., etc., etc.
By not wearing your mask you may be infecting someone else with the coronavirus, which can be deadly. The masks are to protect others; it is not intended to protect you.
This information is blasted every day, several times a day, on the television; the news, on coronavirus specials, and advertisements. But yet, you choose to ignore it. How could you be so uncaring and selfish?
Do you want to be responsible for giving this virus to young children, infants, someone’s parent or grandparent and they lose their life?
I was parked at Dillons on Saturday to pick up my preordered groceries. As I sat in the pickup section, I viewed the front door of 10th street Dillons. Not a single person going in or coming out was wearing a mask. Tell me now; were you able to be 6 feet from others in the store as recommended? My daughter a few days earlier had to purchase milk replacer for the baby calf and some dog food. She told me she was the only one in the Orchelin’s store in Great Bend wearing a mask even though the check-out clerks are protected behind large Plexiglas screens. I would think these screens used at Dillons, Walmart, and Orchelin’s would make you alert as to how dangerous this virus is and why you should do your best to help diminish the spread throughout our city, county, community and surrounding communities.
I was so angry after leaving Dillons after free pickup of my groceries; I wanted to contact management to have them refuse customers if they did not wear a mask. But their hands are tied, because it is not mandatory only recommended by our President and staff, our Governor and staff. How high do we have to go?
A loyal customer of G. B. stores,
Jean M. Harrison
Great Bend