To the editor:
Let’s face the glaring reality that the whole ongoing impeachment tragicomedy is improvisational theater at its worst — or best, depending and dependent on how drawn into the fireworks of inflammatory language audience members are. Those of us who are gluttons for these 24/7 productions are either catcalling our disapproval at substandard scripts and atrocious acting, or are enraptured and spellbound and jump up with clamorous displays of praise and even “hallelujahs”!
As for political theater beyond the White House and Washington D.C., that is, in the world at large — Europe, China, India, Brazil, the Middle East, and on and on — we still have edgy improv. But it is become increasingly obvious that this unpredictable acting on an ever-expanding stage leans way more toward tragedy than comedy. We have a production that threatens to rush headlong into disorder out of chaos, not order, as our vaunted King Con Don would have it. Too many hawks with their war wings spread out widely attest repeatedly to the people that they have America’s best interests at heart.
Not the way I see it. What heart can there be in a manic world where the real interests of America and a few other superrich countries are — and have been for quite some time--transparent and not so transparent in plotting strategies for economic, cultural and religious dominance that threatens democracies anywhere one can imagine and displaces desperate people everywhere?
And, sadly, none of us can walk off or retreat from this stage, because, as Shakespeare succinctly phrased it so many centuries ago, “all the world is a stage.” The bone-chilling possibility is that this world stage is becoming less and less funny and more and more tragic.
Is it too late to mount a new play for everyone — yes, everyone on this planet — one that is inspirational, meaningful, compassionate and — could it be? — humorous?
Richard Joel Holmes