To the editor:
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 180, Great Bend, wants to say a big thank you to the community and surrounding areas for their generous donations in helping support our poppy program on Memorial Day weekend. Also thank you to all the companies for letting us stand in front of their businesses to distribute poppies for our veterans and their families.
For more than 90 years, the American Legion Auxiliary has distributed the memorial poppy to remind Americans that millions sacrificed their lives and health to keep our nation free.
During World War I, the poppy flourished on the battlefields of Flanders Fields among the shelled buildings and bomb-scarred landscape. Like the blood that was shed there, its brilliant red bloom became a sign of hope and renewal. For those who would never leave, those who had given their lives, it is a perpetual memorial to their bravery.
The American Legion Auxiliary poppy is handmade by disabled veterans. Memorial poppy contributions are devoted entirely to the rehabilitation and assistance for veterans and their families. Wearing a poppy can honor the sacrifices made by our service members while assisting the living.
On the behalf of those veterans, Thanks for Caring!!
Marianne Krallman and Jeannie Munsch
Co-Chairs of the American Legion Auxiliary
Unit 180, Great Bend