To the editor:
American Red Cross blood drives held in counties served by the central and western Kansas Red Cross Chapter provide lifesaving blood to nearly 70 area hospitals, making sure blood is available for patients in need. Volunteer Blood Drive Ambassadors play a vital role at these blood drives – engaging with donors, enhancing the donation experience and helping to create long-time blood donors.
Right now, there are not enough Blood Drive Ambassadors to cover all area drives. If you have a few hours each month, you could be helping by taking temperatures, guiding blood donors through the donation process and making a difference for your community like Jackie Nichols, from the Garden City area.
In addition to serving with the Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services and as a disaster volunteer Jackie spent 20 years as chairperson for her church’s blood drive. While retiring from the chairperson position in 2012, she continues to volunteer at drives.
“I believe you should never pass up an opportunity to show kindness to someone,” said Jackie. “This is what the Red Cross and its volunteers do every day. Whether it’s at some type of disaster or helping so there is always a safe supply of blood when needed.”
If you’d like to be a volunteer blood drive ambassador like Jackie in the Ellis, Barton and Saline counties, please contact Sherry Dryden, executive director, Red Cross Kansas/Oklahoma Region at 785-259-0956 or online at to learn more.
Sherry Dryden
Executive Director, Kansas/Oklahoma Region
American Red Cross