To the editor:
I see the mask wearing dilemma as two conflicting ideas:
1. Some strongly believe COVID-19 is overblown, numbers are exaggerated and people who wear masks are following like sheep. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to wear a mask. It looks and feels strange.
2. Some believe we are experiencing a worldwide pandemic and wearing a mask will slow virus transmission. This is where I fall.
So who is right? Only the future will tell, so I decided to look at the consequences of idea 1 and idea 2. If masks don’t help, then people will look back at me and laugh about how ridiculous I looked wearing a mask. That is for sure. But the way I see it, if I am wrong, the only thing hurt is my pride.
Conversely, what’s the consequence of not wearing a mask and you are wrong, who is hurt? Many more people get sick. Who wants to take that chance? I believe people on both sides of this issue really care. Love others, is what we are taught.
I am gambling on slowing the virus because that is the best knowledge that we have right now. I believe that the more you know about this virus, the more you will want to stamp it out. If I understand it right, this virus can only spread from person to person, like a forest fire, only instead of trees, it moves through people. What an important issue we have right now. Reduce the spread. Wear a mask, we all live with the consequences.
Mary Ann June
Great Bend