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USD 428 should not raises taxes
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To the editor:

I sit here Sunday morning, Jan. 12, 2020, reading my paper and trying to understand what USD 428 people do not understand about no more taxes, no more waste. I talk to people every day and I have not talked to anyone yet that is in favor of more taxes. Everyone I talk to is just as tired as I am of the wasteful spending but they insist on spending more money on special elections.

I think it is time that we replace these people with someone that can see beyond their own wasteful interest and think of the interest of the hard-working taxpayers of Barton County. Wake up people, they are not thinking of your kids. They can only think of what they want. Enough already.

Our young people growing up are the ones that will be saddled with the burden of paying for all of the wasteful spending we are doing now. We have a great city with a lot of wonderful people. People that I am proud to call my friends. People that I am proud to call neighbor. Please don’t let a few irresponsible self-serving people mess that up.

Bernard Levings

Great Bend