If you thought you might like to try your hand at fishing this year, but you just weren’t sure ...
And if you have some tackle or can borrow some ...
And if you further can get to a good place to fish, and around here, you can ...
Then this weekend is for you.
As a part of National Fishing Week, Kansas is setting aside this weekend for free fishing.
That means that you can have access to all Kansas public waters for free this Saturday and Sunday.
According to the announcement from the state: “The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks says the state has had a free fishing weekend since 1988.
“Ordinarily, the state requires nonresidents 16 or older and residents age 16 through 64 to have a fishing license.”
And if you aren’t sure about where you can fish, go to the KDWP website: www.kdwp.state.ks.us for more information.
There could still be a lot of excuses for why you aren’t fishing this weekend:
• The world has come to an end.
• You just had major surgery and the doctor won’t let you out yet.
• There are chores you have to catch up on — at the White House.
• You just can’t put off that dinner with Drew Barrymore, again.
• Your brand new private jet needs to be washed.
This weekend, however, you don’t have the excuse of no license.
Enjoy the good will that our state parks officials are showing.
— Chuck Smith
Enjoy free fishing this weekend