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Just a reminder
Campaign letter, candidate bio deadlines nearing
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 As we approach the Tuesday, April 1, election, candidate supporters may want to make their opinions known. The Great Bend Tribune appreciates the willingness of those running for office and those supporting the candidates to adhere to the newspaper’s letters to the editor policy.
Since most of our readers are probably not regular contributors of letters to the Tribune, we recognize that it takes a big step to write and submit a letter, knowing the writer’s name will be attached to their words.
So, we will work as best we can with someone wanting to submit a letter supporting a candidate. Here are the basic rules again:
• Letters must be signed by the writer and they must be original works.
• A writer’s name and hometown will be printed with each letter.
• Letters must include a daytime phone number or email address in case we have questions about a submission.
• Letters should be no more than 600 words in length.
• While we welcome letters from those supporting a candidate, candidates themselves may not submit letters, even if they are writing about non-election matters.
• Letters can be submitted via U.S. Mail or by email. Although, at this point, email may be the better option.
One last thing that needs to be cleared up now – we will run no campaign letters after Friday, March 28, so letters must be received by early Thursday, March 27. No letters will be run on Sunday. So, those wanting to make a submission needs to do so as soon as they can. Letters will be published on a first-come-first-serve basis and as space permits.
As a general rule, we’ve had few problems with readers not following these guidelines and anticipate this will continue. We thank you for the cooperation.
One more thing, to all the candidates out there, we will publish a submitted bio and photo for each person seeking office. They will run as submitted on page two or three, and the same deadline applies.
Also, if you want your voice heard, vote.
Dale Hogg