Perhaps we’re getting a break in the string of thunderstorm that has soaked us recentliy, but’s storm season and dark skies continue to threatened the region. Are we ready?
Emergency management folks urge residents to be prepared should the worst happen. Below are a few tips.
Have a survival kit, including:
• Water — at least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 to 7 days
• Food — at least enough for 3 to 7 days
Non-perishable packaged or canned food and juices
Foods for infants or the elderly
Snack foods
Non-electric can opener
Cooking tools and fuel
Paper plates and plastic utensils
• Blankets, pillows and other bedding
• Clothing — seasonal, rain gear, sturdy shoes
• First aid kit , medicines and prescription drugs
• Special items for babies and the elderly
Also, one needs to know where you will go in an emergency and if their home is not equipped, decide before the emergency where you will go.
There are no public shelters in this county, so give this some thought and make a plan
We are all responsible for planning our response before it is too lte.
And, whatever you do, don’t call 911 to:
• Ask if there is an emergency when the sirens sound. Yes, it’s an emergency, that’s why the screaming loud sirens are going off.
• Request information about whether streets are flooded or not. If there’s enough rain to flood street, the emergency personnel are liable to be too busy to answer your driving questions.
• Find out if there’s an “all clear.”
One more thing. Research shows that more than half of American consumers don’t have an inventory of the possessions they’d want their insurance company to replace in case of a fire, theft, or other disaster. Make one and keep it someplace safe, such as in a digital format floating in the “cloud” so it can be accessed from anywhere, even a smartphone or laptop.
It is everyone’s responsibility to be safe. Take this responsibility seriously.
— Dale Hogg