This weekend, area residents can walk to support veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Walk to End Alzheimer’s or just walk for personal well being.
Similar opportunities arrive virtually every week; we can walk for a cause or walk – just because.
In any community, however, not all areas are created equal for walking or bike riding. And so, the Barton County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan steering committee was created. A grant was written. A consultant was hired. Meetings were held.
What happens next will depend on community feedback. Early on, Martin A. Shukert, design principal of RDG Planning & Design of Omaha, Neb., said the things under consideration would include a plan for an integrated system with specific recommendations for such things as pavement treatments, signs, education and enforcement.
Meanwhile, the weather is beautiful and the roads – some of them anyhow – are calling.
Step up: The path is clear