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Charlie's Inside Corner
Too much yakking going on
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Yakking. The dictionary defines it this way: To talk, especially uninterruptedly, and idly. That’s exactly what this pebble in my shoe is all about.
December and January are great times for sports fans. The basketball season is here and football season is still hanging on as well. College bowl games, the NFL, NBA and college basketball. Our television sets have non-stop sporting events. Trouble is, we have non-stop yakking going on as well.
Are you as tired of listening to television commentators and color guys ramble on and on and on while the action on the screen has bypassed them? While the next play has begun and finished while they are still making a point of what some coach told them in practice three days ago? While they are telling us that so and so is the best quarterback, best point guard, ever?
It’s television for goodness sake! We can see what’s going on! We don’t need all of that yakking. “Just the facts, Maam” is what Sergeant Joe Friday used to say in Dragnet and if it’s good enough for him then it’s good enough for me!
There is an old Spanish proverb that says, “Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.” Sometimes, silence speaks volumes. If I wrote the way some of these television guys talk, then adhaa3345..l78erynxxxxl 10)(*&$@ and on and on. You often hear fans say, “I turned the sound on the tv off and turned on the radio. Many times the radio broadcasters use fewer words than the television dudes.
I love to be able to watch my favorite team, my favorite sport, on television but the ramblings of some of these folks on television reduce that enjoyment. Do your homework guys, on the teams you are covering. Get up to date on your information and say less, rather than more!
A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A television announcer is not considered a good commentator because he is a good talker!
CHALK TALK: The San Diego Chargers are now , officially, the Los Angeles Chargers. Doesn’t sound right does it? Three NFL teams in a city that is known for not supporting even one! The Chargers will play their home games at StubHub Center. A soccer stadium! Their home digs, if they were playing college football, would be the 108th biggest in college football! This is an upgrade for the Chargers? Watch out Texas High School Football. With the size of some of your high school stadiums, the Chargers might be moving there!
The St.John Mid-Winter Classic is a do not miss for area basketball fans. There are some excellent teams plus great food. Homemade pies, etc. St.John, Central Plains, Ness City and Pratt are the headliners. A Pratt vs. St.John semifinal is a must see.
When asked whether linebacker DeMarcus Ware would be able to play next season after back surgery, Denver Broncos’ defensive coordinator Wade Phillips said, “I wish I had his body. So does my wife.”
The formula for winning a conference basketball championship is to hold the home court and win at least half of your road games. The Kansas Jayhawks are, again, on the road to doing so as Bill Self narrows down the number of players he uses regularly during games.
Did the Chiefs get “jobbed” by the officials Sunday night in their playoff loss to the Steelers? Maybe so, maybe not. What is certain is that Chiefs’ tight end, Travis Kelce, is going to get fined for spouting off about it. His comment, “Cheffer (the official) shouldn’t be allowed to ever wear a zebra jersey again,” will cost him, oh, about $20,000 because it was a playoff game and on national television. “Be careful of your thoughts; they may become words at any moment. –Ira Gassen
Buddy Tabler is a guest columnist for the Great Bend Tribune and his views don’t necessarily reflect those of the paper. He can be reached at