PHILLIPSBURG — Hoisington’s No. 2 state-ranked Christopher Ball (33-0, 152) won three matches to capture first place at the Phillipsburg Panther Classic. Ball defeated Abilene’s No. 5 ranked Trey Hoerner 5-0 in the finals. The Cardinals scored 56 points to place seventh.
No. 1 state-ranked Landen Urban (32-1, 285) lost his first match with a tight 9-8 decision against Norton’s No. 2 ranked Collyn Auker.
Cardinals Sean Urban (24-12, 160) and Jeremy Breit (22-13, 170) each placed fourth. Phillipsburg’s Mark Coomes defeated Sean Urban 3-2 for third place. Abilene’s Dauson Whiteley defeated Breit 16-1 for third place.
Team scores—1. Marysville 160.5; 2. Norton 150.5; 3. Abilene 132.5; 4. Oakley 91.5; 5. Smith Center 77.5; 6. Phillipsburg 66; 7. Hoisington 56; Hoxie 56; 9. Beloit 54; 10. Hill City 38; 11. TMP 33; 12. Ellsworth 16; 13. Stockton 3
113—Dylan Carrier 8-16; Skylar Johnson, Norton pinned Carrier, HHS, 0:41; Cole Whitehair, Abilene pinned Carrier, HHS, 2:29
126—Tanner Cassity (24-8); Devin Owen, Hill City pinned Cassity, HHS, 3:08; Kade Unterseher, Norton def. Cassity, HHS, 12-4
138–Carter Wessling, Beloit pinned Dustin Edmonson, HHS, 2:17; Tyler Park, Oakley def. Edmonson, HHS, 5-2
152—Christopher Ball (33-0) 1st; Ball, HHS pinned Cory Mead, Oakley, 0:35; Ball, HHS pinned Weston Erbert, Norton, 3:35; 1st Place—Ball, HHS def. Trey Hoerner, Abilene, 5-0
160—Sean Urban (24-12) 4th; Mike Kasson, Norton def. Urban, HHS, 7-3; Urban, HHS def. Chase Ryan, Smith Center, 7-2; Urban, HHS def. Auston Holzmeister, Oakley, 11-3; 3rd Place—Mark Coomes, Phillipsburg def. Urban, HHS, 3-2
170—Jeremy Breit (22-13) 4th; Breit, HHS def. Colton Heskett, Hoxie, 12-4; Breit, HHS def. Dauson Whiteley, Abilene, 8-3; Kaden Meitler, Smith Center def. Breit, HHS, 6-4; Breit, HHS def. Darrell Gustin, Ellsworth, 7-6; 3rd Place—Whiteley, Abilene def. Breit, HHS, 16-1
182—Benjamin Schneider (12-15); Macoy Rains, Oakley def. Schneider HHS, 8-2; Hayden Wiltfong, Norton pinned Schneider, HHS, 2:39
195—Justin Umphrey (6-7); Gavin Lively, Norton pinned Umphrey, HHS, 1:24; Ethan Haase, Ellsworth pinned Umphrey, HHS, 1:51
220—Austin McHenry (26-7); Chris Cox, Oakley def. McHenry, HHS, injury; Connor Boxler, Phillipsburg def. McHenry, HHS, injury
285—Landen Urban (32-1) 2nd; Urban, HHS pinned Taye Washington, Hoxie, 0:53; 1st Place—Collyn Auker, Norton def. Urban, HHS, 9-8
Team scores—1. Beloit, 106; 2. Norton 96; 3. Abilene, 65; 4. Marysville 54; 5. Hoisington 50; 6. Hill City 43; 7. Smith Center 27; 8. Ellsworth 22; 9. TMP 20; 10. Lincoln 19; 11. Phillipsburg 17; 12. Oakley 16
126—Trey Byers (6-12); Stagemeyer, Norton pinned Byers, HHS, 1:22; Brooks, Abilene pinned Byers, HHS, 2:42; Ashbaugh Hill City pinned Byers, HHS, 6-12 0:33; Hazlett, Abilene pinned Byers, HHS, 0:43
138—Nicholas Long (0-9); Patterson, Norton pinned Long, HHS, 2:07; Beydler, Hill City pinned Long, HHS, 0:28
145—Dante Urban (6-7) 3rd; Schoenberger, M pinned Urban, HHS, 0:51; Meier, Beloit pinned Urban, HHS, 0:44; Urban, HHS pinned Rowh, Norton, 4:05
145B—Jack Williams (2-13) 4th; Scott, M pinned Williams, HHS, 1:08;
Sweat, Beloit pinned Williams,HHS, 1:37; Russell, Phillipsburg def. Jack Williams, HHS, 8-1; Williams, HHS def. Shirley, Oakley, 7-4
152—Brinntain Noah (11-4) 2nd; Noah, HHS def. Conn, Beloit, 7-2; Laun, Abilene def. Noah, HHS, 7-0; Noah, HHS pinned Ballman, M, 1:50
152B—Ethan Nichols (8-7) 2nd; Nichols, HHS pinned Jimmy He, TMP, 0:27; Nichols, HHS pinned Ellis, Norton, 1:36; Nollette, Oakley def. Nichols, HHS, 6-1; Nichols, HHS pinned Longnecker, Abilene, 4:35
285—Brody Nicholas (8-6) 3rd; Vacura, Norton pinned Nicholas, HHS, 2:13; Kimminau, Beloit pinned Nicholas, HHS, 4:13; Nicholas, HHS def. Colin Hinds, HHS, forfeit; Nicholas, HHS pinned Feldkamp, Lincoln 1:23
285B—Trevar Younger (5-6) 3rd; Easter, Beloit def. Younger, HHS, 2-0; Younger, HHS pinned Mueller, Ellsworth, 2:00; Staab, TMP pinned Younger, HHS, 1:00
Cardinal wrestler Ball first at Phillipsburg