More than 450 people attended the 2011 Kansas Optometric Association Convention, which took place April 28-30 in Wichita.
The 2011-12 Board of Directors was installed. The new officers include: Dr. Larry D. Stoppel, Washington, President; Dr. Ron D. Hansen, Hutchinson, President-Elect; Dr. Craig E. Newland, Parsons, Secretary-Treasurer; Dr. Roger N. Joyce, EI Dorado, Director; Dr. Jason C. Eubank, Wichita, Director; Dr. Chad 1. Thompson, Beloit, Director; Dr. Jeffrey A. Heyd, Scott City, Zone President; Dr. Brandon K. Hunter, Leawood, Zone President; Dr. Eric C. McPeak, Hiawatha, Zone President; Dr. Brad D. Majher, Wichita, Zone President; Dr. Jeff J. Schletzbaum, Hutchinson, Zone President; Dr. Matt D. Skahan, lola, Zone President; Dr. Travis K. Sharpe, Salina, Zone President; and Dr. Steven A. Bryant, Concordia, Consultant.
Dr. G. Derril Gwinner, Ellsworth, was named 2011 Optometrist of the Year for his outstanding service to the public and the profession.
The 2011 Distinguished Service Award was awarded to Dr. Jeannette L. Holland, Oskaloosa, for her meritorious and faithful service to the profession and citizens of Kansas.
The William A. Carriger, Sr., Legislative Service Award was presented to Dr. Wayne R. Gilmore, Parsons, for his work in the political process.
Dr. Jeffery 1. Schletzbaum, Hutchinson, was the recipient of the 2011 Outstanding Young Optometrist of the Year Award for his numerous contributions to the profession.
Also recognized were the 20 I 0-20 II Leadership KOA class, which included Drs. Rebecca Dobbins, Coffeyville; Jeremy Durham, Wichita; Diane Galbrecht, Olathe; Melissa Hahn, Olathe; Chad Premer, Great Bend; Charles Rottinghaus, Topeka; Travis Sharpe, Salina; and Jon Stoppel, Gardner. The 2011-2012 Leadership KOA class was announced at the meeting. The members include Drs. Chris Banninger, Salina; Betty Jo Cantrell, Yates Center; Anthony Hartness, Augusta; Shane Kannarr, Pittsburg; Chris Jacquinot, Pittsburg; Andrea Needham, Leawood;
Heather Robben, WaKeeney; Kenneth Trummel, Lawrence; and Bret Wise, Wichita.
The 2011 Lifetime of Excellence Award was presented to Dr. Arthur L. Queen, Lawrence, who was recognized for exemplifying the highest ethical and professional character during his lifetime of practice and ongoing service to his profession and community in retirement.
Optometrists were able to attend 14 hours of continuing education on the latest developments in eye care for re-licensure. Among those attending was Dr. Chad Premer of Great Bend.
2011 Kansas Optometric Association Convention