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CMN Hospitals at Via Christi Health to partner with Kearny County Hospital to help Kansas kids
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Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at Via Christi Health has announced that as of Jan. 1 it will partner with Kearny County Hospital in Lakin to serve western Kansas kids in Greeley, Wichita, Scott, Lane, Hamilton, Kearny, Finney, Stanton, Grant, Haskell, and Stevens, Seward counties.
Ashland Health Center in Ashland will now serve Ness, Rush, Pawnee, Hodgman, Edwards, Gray, Ford, Kiowa, Meade, Clark and Comanche counties.
CMN Hospitals at Via Christi Health helps families and their children by providing assistance with expenses not covered by insurance, for things like medication, therapy, hearing aids, wheelchairs, or family travel expenses related to the child’s hospital stay.
Families can connect with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ resources through a network of five regional hospitals serving 64 counties. In addition to Via Christi Hospitals in Wichita, the regional hospitals are Ashland Health Center in Ashland, William Newton Healthcare Foundation in Winfield, Salina Regional Health Center in Salina, and Hays Medical Center in Hays.