Danceography studios upcoming Spring 2015 Showcase, “The Best is Yet To Come”, will be held at 7 p.m. on May 2 and 3 p.m. on May 3, at the Hoisington High School Auditorium, 218 E. 7th Street. Tickets are available at the door for $5 until the auditorium is sold out. Competition dances will be performed by, MaryBeth Thill of Ellinwood - 1st place in Jazz and 1st overall in her age category; Tricia Schremmer of Hoisington - 1st place in Jazz; Maddy Hayden of Great Bend - 1st place in Lyrical and 3rd overall in her age category; and Taylor Hofeling of Great Bend - 1st place in Tap.
Danceography recital