Dillon’s Store #9 employees in Larned, United Way Champion Wendy Ibarra and store manager Nancy Martin, Store #3 employees in Great Bend, UW Champion Julie Mitchell and store manger Diana Sunley and store #51 employees and UW champion Carrie Amerine and store manager Ryan Streck, combined to raise $17,000 for United Way of Central Kansas to further the Health, Education and Income our our communities. Dillon’s has been a part of United Way of Central Kansas since inception in 1962. The employees of Dillon’s in Barton and Pawnee county have increased their giving 237% in the two years since Julie Bugner-Smith has become director. Their support and positive energy set the bar for others to see the value of United Way and the good it does for community. Every dollar counts no matter what size.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to United Way of Central Kansas to help reach the goal of $235,00 you can mail you contribution to UWCK 1125 Williams Great Bend KS. 67530. The goal is at 70% and your support is appreciated.
Dillons Stores raise money for United Way of Central Kansas