Yvonne Robbins, shareholder of Farmers Bank & Trust, announces a new scholarship available for women with a focus in Leadership & Entrepreneur studies at Barton Community College.
Approximately ten and a half million American women run their own businesses. Their endeavors account for the creation of approximately twenty-three million jobs and three trillion dollars added to the U.S. economy. Yvonne Robbins realizes the economic impact that women have on our local economy and desires to create a scholarship in the communities that the bank serves.
“This new scholarship is designed to recognize women’s efforts and encourage a new generation of change-makers,” says Yvonne Robbins. “Through the power of philanthropy, this scholarship will assist women financially for decades, as they take that first important step in their career.”
Scholarships will be awarded to two qualifying student applicants entering Barton Community College in the next academic year, beginning in the 2014 fall semester. Each recipient will receive a $1,000 scholarship and must be enrolled in Business Management & Leadership Entrepreneurship courses or other Business related programs. Eligible applicants include women currently residing in Barton, Edwards, Pawnee, Stafford, Ness or Rush counties.
Application guidelines may be found at www.bartonccfoundation.org or contact Barton Foundation at 620-792-9306.
Farmers Bank & Trust Shareholder Yvonne Robbins announces new scholarship