Save the date to attend one of the 2022 Crop Pest Management Schools. This year, two schools will be offered in the traditional, in-person format on Nov. 30 in Beloit and Dec. 1 in Grainfield.
Each school will start at 7:50 a.m. with registration and conclude at 5 p.m. A lunch will be provided to all participants. The cost to attend either of the events is $50 if registered by Nov. 22. After Nov. 22 and at the door, the cost will be $75.
Each school will feature a variety of topics on weed control, insects, and diseases. Detailed agendas are posted on the registration link.
The dates and locations of each school are: Nov. 30 – Beloit, Beloit First United Methodist Church, 801 N. Bell St., Beloit, KS 67420; and Dec. 1 – Grainfield, St. Agnes Catholic Church, 242 Cedar St., Grainfield, KS 67737.
Please register at
Continuing Education Credits have been applied for and include: 1A Commercial Applicators: 7 credits and 1 core hour; Certified Crop Advisor: 8 pest management credits.
For questions, please contact the Northwest Area Research and Extension office at 785-462-6281 or email Jeanne Falk Jones at
Stacy Campbell is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Cottonwood Extension District. Email him at or call the Hays office, 785-628-9430.