Kansas State University will host its first-ever live Virtual Wheat Field Day on the evenings of Wednesday, May 27 and Thursday, May 28.
In a twist on the typical wheat field day that Kansas farmers often attend, K-State Research and Extension will host a two-part wheat field day live on YouTube to update growers and others on the most recent crop advances and challenges while keeping producers safe from COVID-19.
The May 27-28 Virtual Wheat Field Day 2020 is really two “field evenings,” with each one to begin at 7 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. Agriculture Today radio host Eric Atkinson will moderate the program. The format will allow for questions from the audience.
Growers are encouraged to attend one or both evenings on YouTube Live at separate links:
May 27 session - https://youtu.be/UnD12lADM3E
May 28 session - https://youtu.be/VrF3F2yqJpc
The program, with each speaker presenting from their own homes, includes:
May 27
• Welcome and introduction – Eric Atkinson, host of Agriculture Today radio show
• State of the 2020 Kansas wheat crop and variety selection in different parts of Kansas – Romulo Lollato, K-State Extension Agronomist
• Diseases in the 2020 Kansas wheat crop; selecting varieties with disease resistance in mind – Erick DeWolf, K-State plant pathologist
• Variety performance and selection in western Kansas - Lucas Haag, K-State Northwest Area agronomist
• Introduction: New K-State extension wheat pathologist – Kelsey Andersen
• Discussion panel with questions from the audience – Eric Atkinson
May 28
• Welcome and introduction – Eric Atkinson
• Current and upcoming K-State varieties for central Kansas – Allan Fritz, K-State wheat breeder;
• Current and upcoming K-State varieties for western Kansas – Guorong Zhang, K-State wheat breeder
• Variety performance and selection in central Kansas – Stu Duncan, K-State northeast area extension agronomist
• Overview of Kansas Wheat Commission-sponsored research - Aaron Harries, KWC
• Discussion panel with questions from the audience – Eric Atkinson
More information is available by contacting Romulo Lollato at lollato@ksu.edu or 785-477-4644. Or the Cottonwood District Offices in Hays 785-628-9430, Great Bend 620-793-1910.
Virtual demo plot
Not to confuse matters, but the Cottonwood Extension District will also host a Virtual County wheat demo plot. It will be held at a different date and more localized with pictures and discussion of each variety in each county of the district. Our Extension specialist, along with the local agent, will record a Zoom presentation to discuss variety adaptation and other topics. The date has not yet been set, but soon will be. Check out our web site www.cottonwood.ksu.edu or Cottonwood District on Facebook, I am also on Twitter. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 785-628-9430.
Stacy Campbell is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Cottonwood Extension District. Email him at scampbel@ksu.edu or call the Hays office, 785-628-9430.