The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) announced today it will provide $350,000 in grant funds to the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) to provide weatherization assistance to low income Kansans. KHRC’s Weatherization Assistance Program has helped 576 households so far this year and has a waiting list of others requesting assistance. The KCC grant, funded by the Department of Energy through the federal State Energy Program, will help alleviate the weatherization waiting list.
“Low income families spend a larger percentage of their monthly income on energy costs than other households do. As a result, they can’t afford to make home improvements that would save money,” said Jay Scott Emler, KCC Chairman. “The no cost energy efficiency services provided by KHRC help residents realize energy savings year round. We are pleased to be able to help with this important effort.”
Weatherization services provided include weather-stripping, caulking doors and windows, adding insulation and repair or replacement of heating and cooling systems and appliances.
“The Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program is excited to partner with the KCC to advance energy efficiency services to the neediest of our population,” said Scott Kuhn, KHRC’s Weatherization Program Manager. “Households receiving whole house weatherization services typically see savings between 15-25%.”
To apply for weatherization assistance, low-income households can contact the regional service provider that serves their county. A list of service providers can be found at or by calling 1-800-752-4422.
The KCC regulates public utilities including telecommunications, natural gas, electric and water companies, as well as motor carriers, oil and gas pipeline, and oil and gas producers. The mission of the Commission is to serve the people of Kansas by regulating the State’s energy infrastructure, oil and gas production, and commercial trucking to ensure public safety.
Kansas Corporation Commission announces weatherization grant