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Please Go Away Vacations provides new free travel service
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People are traveling to foreign destinations in truly amazing numbers. Particularly in Europe, this unprecedented demand is being driven by a very strong dollar against the Euro that is reducing the costs of travel. The response of many quality international travel operators has been the reducing of their prices, combining the many benefits of early reservations by also providing truly excellent early reservation savings.
The end result is that more people traveling to foreign destinations, both individually and in groups, than ever before. Since foreign currency is required in foreign countries, travelers are being confronted with the challenge of what to do with the foreign currency they don’t spend while abroad and which they end up bringing home. Obviously, they can’t spend it at home. They can save it until their next trip abroad, but what most travelers want to do is to exchange whatever foreign currency they have back to U.S. Dollars. Up to now, when they chose to do this they incurred a costly conversion fee by involved financial institutions. This costly process is now able to be avoided with the “free “Foreign Currency Clearing House” program available to Please Go Away™ Vacations clients.  
They will buy back with no conversion fees foreign currency at 100% face value based upon the rate between the U.S. Dollar and the foreign currency on date of transaction. Conversely, they will “sell,” with absolutely no exchange fee, any currency held in their inventory to their travel clients. Again, value is based solely upon the exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar the foreign currency on the date of transaction.  Because the Euro is used in so many different European countries transactions will be limited to U.S. Dollars and Euros.