Typically, wheat growers will keep back enough of their wheat seed to plant again, but also they may be looking to replace a variety in an effort to reduce seed borne diseases, and to improve genetics for yield and disease prevention.
Each year many county agents put out wheat variety demonstration plots and conduct field days to view and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of varieties and wheat production issues. Most demonstration plots are also harvested for yield information to assist farmers.
The Cottonwood Extension District, Barton County conventional till wheat demonstration plot was planted west of Susank on Terry Reif’s farm. We appreciate his willingness to help us put this demonstration plot out! For further details of the cultural practices of the demonstration plot go to our web site at www.cottonwood.ksu.edu click onto the Crops and Livestock tab. I would recommend to not base your variety selection decisions on this plot alone or any others for that matter that are not replicated. This plot is intended more for showing and talking about the varieties each year at the field day.
Instead I would encourage growers to make your variety selection decisions based more on the KSU Agricultural Experiment Stations replicated wheat performance tests. They are randomized replicated trials meaning each variety is randomly planted in 4 different spots in the field, all seed is either foundation or registered. Replicated field trials will account for or smooth out the variability within a field, and thus are much more accurate. These results from the KSU Agricultural Experiment Stations can also be found on our web site on the Crops and Livestock page.
Yield should not be the only consideration in your selection. Some other important considerations are stripe & leaf rust resistance, wheat streak mosaic resistance, drought tolerance, winter hardiness, straw strength, shattering reputation, test weight, and geographic area of adaptation. Each grower may differ some in what is most important to them and may add other considerations not mentioned. Another good resource is “Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2018” publication. It is also posted on our web site with the plot results.
By taking a quick snap shot of looking primarily at yields, some newer varieties that appear to be yielding well in this area are Tatanka, Zenda, Gallagher, Larry and Joe which is a white wheat. But I encourage growers to do their homework before making any decision. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Contact Stacy Campbell, Cottonwood Extension Agent, by email at scampbel@ksu.edu or call the Hays office, 785-628-9430.