The results of the Cottonwood District grain sorghum hybrid demonstration plots are in.
I would like to thank those involved in making this year’s sorghum demonstration plot possible. They include cooperators Josh Debes and Dean Stoskopf, along with Johnny Luerman in Barton County and Matt, John and Wyatt Grabbe in Ellis County. Also a shout-out to all of the seed companies and dealers for providing the seed and signs.
Of course, this year the yields were low due to the drought. In the Barton County plot the yields ranged from a low of 48 to a high of 72 bushels per acre with test weights from 58.3 to 61.6. In Ellis County the yields ranged from 30 to 56 bushels per acre with test weights from 51.5 to 57.6.
The results are posted on our website at click onto the Crops and Livestock tab and then look under Hot Topics. Also they will be posted on Facebook and my Twitter account
I always like to remind growers that when making their next seed purchasing decisions to look at several different sources (test plot) results, if possible over multiple years and locations. Whether it be county agent plots, co-ops, seed companies, etc. I would especially encourage you to look at the Kansas Performance Tests with Grain Sorghum by Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Stations at These variety plots are replicated, meaning each hybrid has been randomly planted in the test plot in four different spots. Replication is used to smooth out or account for variability within a field.
This site also has crop performance (variety yields) of eight different crops grown here in Kansas. Tested over multiple K-State Ag Research Centers around the state.
If you would like to have a paper copy of the Cottonwood District Sorghum Demonstration Plots stop by either Extension Office. The K-State Performance Test books for grain sorghum should be coming out soon and you can stop in later for one of those. Our offices are located in Hays at 601 Main Street or Great Bend at 3007 10th Street. If you ever have any questions on crop production feel free to give me a call at 785-628-9430.
Stacy Campbell is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent for Cottonwood Extension District. Email him at scampbel@ksu.eduor call the Hays office, 785-628-9430.