Eleven new positive cases of COVID-19 in Barton County were reported Monday afternoon by Barton County Public Information Officer Donna Zimmerman. This represents eight males and three females; one resides in Claflin, four in Great Bend, four in Hoisington and two in rural Barton County.
To date, there have been 278 positive cases – 124 males and 154 females. There are 76 positive active cases and there have been five COVID-19 related deaths. Barton County has issued 1,980 quarantine or isolation orders and 491 of those are active, down from 505 on Friday, Aug. 28.
The location of cases by residence, total number and number of current active cases are:
Claflin - 11 - 8
Ellinwood - 17 - 1
Great Bend - 137 - 32
Hoisington - 54 - 11
Olmitz - 1 - 0
Pawnee Rock - 2 - 0
Rural Barton County - 56 - 24
Monitoring cases
The Barton County Health Department (BCHD) continues to identify close contacts of the individuals of each positive case. Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet for a prolonged period (10 minutes or longer) or having direct contact with infectious secretions. BCHD will actively monitor the close contacts for 14 days for symptoms.
The public can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing and infection control.
• Maintain at least a 6-foot social distance from other individuals.
• Cancel mass gatherings where individuals will be in close contact with each other.
• Wearing masks is encouraged.
• Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible OR use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Cover coughs/sneezes with inner elbow.
• Regularly clean high-touch surfaces.
• Avoid shaking hands.
Kansas Department of Health and Environment updated its statistics Monday afternoon to 42,612 cases (1,564 new since Friday) from 105 counties with 446 deaths (three new since Friday).