Stafford County Health Department reported this past week that one Stafford County resident has died from complications with COVID-19.
Stafford County Health Department Director Shannon Snyder issued a news release on July 31:
“Stafford County Health Department is deeply saddened to report that a Stafford County resident has died due to complications with COVID-19 infection. This person died while receiving treatment in a hospital. No further information will be released out of respect for the person’s family and friends.”
Stafford County has had two other cases, and those individuals have recovered.
Pawnee County Health Department reports the county has seen two positive cases of COVID-19 in the past week, bringing its total to nine. None of the cases were still active, according to the PCHD weekly report released Tuesday.
An estimated 550 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the county.
Rice County updated its statistics on Monday. There have been 30 positive cases and 24 of those individuals have recovered. There has been one hospitalization and no deaths.
The six active cases include three people who reside in Lyons, two in Chase and one in rural Rice County. Recovered cases include 12 Lyons residents, four from Sterling, three from Chase and five from rural Rice County.
Rush County has not posted a COVID-19 update since July 20, when there had been five cases since the first one on June 29 (an adult male with known history of contact with a positive out of county individual). Three were active, two had recovered and there had been no deaths. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) state map of cases was updated Wednesday and showed nine positives for Rush County.
Russell County announced two new positive cases on Monday and posted an update on Tuesday, stating the Russell County Health Department had received notification of two additional positive COVID-19 cases involving county residents. The total cases county for Russell County was 15. Of those, 11 cases have been resolved and four cases were active and isolated. The results were pending on six individuals. Russell County has had 551 negative tests.
Ellsworth County posted an update on Wednesday. That county has reported 21 positive cases. Three are active and the other 18 have recovered. There have been no hospitalizations or deaths related to COVID-19. Recoveries are defined by completion of required isolation; the individual is feeling significantly better; and the individual is fever-free for 72 hours (without fever-reducing measures).
State and national
The KDHE updates its COVID-19 statistics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As of Wednesday, the state had recorded 29,717 cases resulting in 1,821 hospitalizations and 368 deaths. There have been 279,001 negative tests.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday reported the United States has had 4,748,806 cases and 156,311 deaths. Compared to Tuesday’s data, that was 49,988 new cases and 1,107 new deaths.
Worldwide, there have been 18.6 million confirmed cases and 11.2 million of those have recovered. There have been 701,000 deaths