County Public Information Officer Donna Zimmerman announced 13 new positive cases of COVID-19 on Monday.
Monday’s cases involved four males and nine females; four reside in Claflin, two in Great Bend, two in Hoisington, and five in rural Barton County.
Of the 223 cases to date – 103 males and 120 females – 88 remain active and there have been four deaths. As of Aug. 24, the county has issued 1,745 quarantine or isolation orders and 494 of those remain active.
The location of positive cases by residence, total cases and current active cases are:
Claflin - 9 - 6
Ellinwood - 16 - 2
Great Bend - 111 - 35
Hoisington - 46 - 20
Olmitz - 1 - 0
Pawnee Rock - 2 - 2
Rural Barton County - 38 - 23
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reports that as of Monday morning the state has had 38,401 cases, resulting in 2,183 hospitalizations and 426 deaths. There have been 348,556 negative tests. Positive cases have been reported in all of the state’s 105 counties. The last two counties to report cases, Rawlins and Wallace, each had one case reported last week.
The total number of state cases in area counties, which may differ from local reports which are more current (followed by the total case rate per 1,000 by county), include Barton, 183 (7.1); Pawnee, 151 (23.5); Stafford, 18 (4.3); Reno, 595 (9.6); Rice, 42 (4.4); Ellsworth, 23 (3.8); Russell, 21 (3.1); Ellis, 256 (9.0); Rush, 16 (5.3); Ness, 19 (6.9); and Edwards, 22 (7.9). Ford County, with 2,257, cases, has the highest number of cases per 1,000 population (67.1), followed by Seward County, 1,221 (57.0) and Finney County 1,763 (48.3). Johnson County has the most cases in the state, 7,418 (12.3).