Barton County’s next drive-through COVID-19 vaccination clinic will move to Brit Spaugh Park, County Administrator Phil Hathcock said. It will be held on Wednesday, March 31. Hours and other details will be announced later.
Hathcock told the county commission Monday that the drive-through clinics that the county has conducted in recent weeks at the Expo Complex west of Great Bend would need to move before the Great Bend Farm, Ranch and Hemp Expo comes to town. The expo is set for April 7-9. County and city officials worked together to find an alternative location.
Nearly one in four Kansans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
As of Wednesday morning, 706,293 Kansans – 24.2% of the total population – have received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 361,511 people have received a second dose.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reports there have been 300,927 cases, resulting in 9,647 hospitalizations and 4,881 statewide deaths. There were 802 new cases, 31 news deaths and 28 new hospitalizations reported since Monday, March 22.
There was one new COVID-19 related death reported in Barton County. There were no new deaths in other counties surrounding Barton County.
Here are the total confirmed and probable cases and deaths to date for area counties as of Wednesday:
• Barton 2,590 cases (+5 since Monday, March 22), 48 deaths (+1)
• Ellsworth 1,214 (+1), 25
• Pawnee 1,143 (unchanged since March 17), 13
• Rice 1,063 (unchanged since March 22), 12
• Rush 429 (+1), 14
• Russell 853 (+1), 27
• Stafford 336 (unchanged since March 22) 9
Cluster summary
There have been 1,859 clusters statewide since the pandemic began, resulting in 37,868 cases, 1,846 hospitalizations and 2,034 deaths. As of Wednesday morning, there were 48 active clusters, resulting in 3,611 cases, 92 hospitalizations and 40 deaths.
Every Wednesday, KDHE releases the names of locations that have five or more cases with symptom-onset dates in the last 14 days. The number of locations has been decreasing over recent weeks and this week only one cluster location was identified. That was Pathways Family Services, a group living facility in Topeka, which has had 20 cases within the last 14 days. The last onset date was Sunday, March 21.