Friday morning, volunteers responded to the call from Linn Hogg of RSVP and Volunteers in Action earlier in the week for help distributing boxes of food to senior citizens in Great Bend. The previously established program is an income-based distribution for low-income seniors. Most months, qualified individuals arrive at the pickup point where they enter the building, sign for their box, and then carry it out to their vehicle. But, with the current COVID-19 restrictions in place, this month Hogg organized curb-side distribution that limited exposure for vulnerable recipients.
After providing their names to volunteers to verify against a checklist, their box of shelf-stable nutritious food, along with a box of commodity cheese, were placed in the vehicle.
Some volunteers arrived early to pack boxes with rice, beans, canned fruits and vegetables, and other food, which varies from month to month Hogg said.
Seniors with a gross income of $1,034 or lower per month are eligible for the program, Hogg said, and can contact RSVP for details at or by calling 620-792-1614.